[SL] Part 2 – Small & Easy

Yesterday, we talked about finding your “why” towards sustainable living (SL). Hopefully you’ve jotted it down somewhere or you may take 1 minute to do so now before reading on.


Here we go…

Now that you’ve written down your “why”, I thought it’s a good time to share mine too.

We have 3 children and they have a long way to go on this planet. Maybe 60 to 70 years? Even Henry and I have 40 to 50 years more of hanging around.

We hope to have a liveable Earth in the years ahead — comfortable weather, beautiful beaches, fresh air, clean water and plenty of food for everyone. So that’s why we’ve embarked on the journey towards sustainable living.

Well, now that we’ve all gotten out “why”s, the next step is to start small and easy. This is a quick start guide, remember?

In the workshops that I conduct, it’s always easier for my participants to stick with one small change daily than a big one.

A super-duper simple new action is way better than a need-to-think action. And just one will do.

So look around your home for something small and easy that you can do to move towards a more sustainable life.

Two important criteria:

1. Small. So tiny that you can do it every day, every time. 100% success rate.

2. Easy. So easy that you can do it without thinking.

Some examples of Small-and-Easy action:

– What plastic packaging do you see in your pantry? Is there a simple alternative to that?

– Bring a water bottle out daily?

– Bring a tumbler when buying your favourite drink?

– Use a handkerchief instead of tissue paper?

– Bring a shopping bag out?

– Something else?


Just look for a move towards SL that takes you less than 5 minutes the first time. Less than 2 minutes is even better. Once the Small-and-Easy step is done, the rest will come more easily.

Gradual small changes are needed to make a big difference for our future.

Ok, two down, just three more parts to moving towards sustainable living (SL). The next email is on another super-simple tip.

Catch up tomorrow. Same time, same place.

Carol @ owl future

carol owl future


Nothing here today. In the next email, for sure.

>> Go to [SL] Part 3

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