Some years ago — in 2009 — I had my first child and like most new parents, there was a lot of shopping to do. I stumbled upon washable cloth wipes and started using those on my baby. Instead of throwing away single-use wipes daily.
Few parents used washable wipes because disposable wipes are so convenient. We’re all busy and overwhelmed when a little one arrives.
There was no indication that I was heading in the right direction.
Now, we read about the potentially devastating effects of climate change almost daily. We even experience some of them.
Heat waves…
Forest fires…
In a “business as usual” scenario, what future lies ahead for us? What future does today’s children and young people have?
People like you and I would like to do something about it, yet we’re busy day in and out, so how?
The first step is to find what motivates you towards sustainable living.
Are you an ocean lover who wants the beaches to be clean?
Or an animal lover who wishes no animal will choke on plastic waste ever again?
Or do you hope we will never run out of landfill space so that your children have sufficient land to live on?
Or have you have been affected by more frequent extreme weather changes and hope we can prevent this?
Your “why” is unique to you. Write it somewhere visible and if possible, share it with someone.
I’ll spend the next few emails going deeper to help you move towards sustainable living (SL).
If this is what you’re looking for, great. Because then you’re at the right place.
More info tomorrow.
Carol @ owl future
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
>> Go to [SL] Part 2